Evaluating Overfit and Underfit in Models of Network Community Structure
A common graph mining task is community detection, which seeks an unsupervised decomposition of a network into groups based on statistical regularities in network connectivity. Although many such algorithms exist, community detection's No Free Lunch theorem implies that no algorithm can be optimal across all inputs. However, little is known in practice about how different algorithms over or underfit to real networks, or how to reliably assess such behavior across algorithms. In this project, we present a broad investigation of over- and under-fitting across 16 state-of-the-art community detection algorithms applied to a novel benchmark corpus of 406 structurally diverse real-world networks. (We published this data-set online under the name of ``CommunityFitNet corpus", available at my github to be used as a standardized reference set for comparing community detection methods. To facilitate this use case, both the corpus dataset and the derived partitions for each member network by each of the algorithms evaluated in this paper is available online for reuse.) We find that (i) algorithms vary widely in the number and composition of communities they find, given the same input; (ii) algorithms can be clustered into distinct high-level groups based on similarities of their outputs on real-world networks; (iii) algorithmic differences induce wide variation in accuracy on link-based learning tasks; and, (iv) no algorithm is always the best at such tasks across all inputs. Finally, we quantify each algorithm's overall tendency to over or underfit to network data using a theoretically principled diagnostic, and discuss the implications for future advances in community detection. Across methods and inputs, Bayesian techniques based on the stochastic block model and a minimum description length approach to regularization represent the best general learning approach, but can be outperformed under specific circumstances.
General algorithms like MDL, Bayesian methods and regularized-likelihood algorithms tend to perform very well under different settings and can be used as reference methods for comparing with new methods. Additionally, popular methods like Infomap and modularity tend to over-fit in practice and are thus not generally reliable, at least under link prediction.
Evaluating overfit and underfit in models of network community structure
Amir Ghasemian, Homa Hosseinmardi, and Aaron Clauset
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 2019
A common graph mining task is community detection, which seeks an unsupervised decomposition of a network into groups based on statistical regularities in network connectivity. Although many such algorithms exist, community detection’s No Free Lunch theorem implies that no algorithm can be optimal across all inputs. However, little is known in practice about how different algorithms over or underfit to real networks, or how to reliably assess such behavior across algorithms. Here, we present a broad investigation of over and underfitting across 16 state-of-the-art community detection algorithms applied to a novel benchmark corpus of 572 structurally diverse real-world networks. We find that (i) algorithms vary widely in the number and composition of communities they find, given the same input; (ii) algorithms can be clustered into distinct high-level groups based on similarities of their outputs on real-world networks; (iii) algorithmic differences induce wide variation in accuracy on link-based learning tasks; and, (iv) no algorithm is always the best at such tasks across all inputs. Finally, we quantify each algorithm’s overall tendency to over or underfit to network data using a theoretically principled diagnostic, and discuss the implications for future advances in community detection.
@article{ghasemian2019evaluating,title={Evaluating overfit and underfit in models of network community structure},author={Ghasemian, Amir and Hosseinmardi, Homa and Clauset, Aaron},journal={IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering},volume={32},number={9},pages={1722--1735},year={2019},publisher={IEEE},href={https://journals.aps.org/prx/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevX.6.031005},}